IARU Member Society
Station Coordinator
HA8RT - Tomi

The HA6YOTA special event station will be active in December 2024 as part of Youngsters on the Air (YOTA) Month. This annual event promotes youth engagement in amateur radio by encouraging young operators to make contacts worldwide, sharing their excitement for radio communications. Operated by young amateur radio enthusiasts, HA6YOTA will be on air across various HF bands and modes, aiming to make contacts with stations globally. Join us to celebrate youth in amateur radio, support the next generation of operators, and earn special YOTA Month awards. Let's connect, inspire, and build a stronger amateur radio community!


Worked Report TX Report RX Frequency Band Mode Date
HB9HNU -14 +19 14.0815 MHz 20m MFSK 2024-12-31
EI9FVB +08 +05 14.081 MHz 20m MFSK 2024-12-31
EA5J +15 +19 14.0812 MHz 20m MFSK 2024-12-31
R3KHN 59 59 21.312 MHz 15m SSB 2024-12-31
M6SDM 59 59 21.312 MHz 15m SSB 2024-12-31
K1LZ 59 59 21.312 MHz 15m SSB 2024-12-31
HI3SD 59 59 21.312 MHz 15m SSB 2024-12-31
SP2TMT 59 59 21.312 MHz 15m SSB 2024-12-31
LA2UJA 59 59 21.312 MHz 15m SSB 2024-12-31
EI2HQ 59 59 21.312 MHz 15m SSB 2024-12-31
View HA6YOTA's full logbook